I’ve never been a sporty type, as a child dance classes were my thing (mainly due to my love of music). I was usually one of the last to be picked for team sports and you wouldn’t want to know 13-year-old Rachel’s thoughts on cross-country running! I breathed a sigh of relief when I left school and PE was no longer forced upon me.
Some *cough* 15 years later in 2013, I signed up for a marathon. I didn’t even own a pair of trainers – running a bath was the closest I got to exercise. It was something I had never even considered before but I fancied the challenge. Before we started training our fitness levels were assessed; I failed a bleep test. I say failed, I gave up halfway just like 13-year-old Rachel would have because I was out of breath. It came as a surprise to many people that I actually got round. Not many people thought I’d make the start line, let alone cross that finish line.
I went from non-runner to marathon runner in 6 months, in that time I met some amazing people and made some really good friends. People who initially laughed at my mad split-second decision were now asking me how I did it. This is the reason I started this blog.
Rather than answer the same questions over and over it was a place I could answer everything I’d been asked. If I could inspire just one person to run a marathon – and what I did, then I’d be happy. I wanted it to be a place I could document races – the smaller details you tend to put to the back of your mind, like what the parking was like, how many water stations there were, how hilly was it really? You tend to forget all about that when you have that shiny medal in your hand.
I never thought anyone would be interested in my ramblings on blisters, sports bra chaffing or the best mascara to wear when running (don’t judge me, there are cameras at these events you know) but the feedback has been really positive.
Imagine how surprised I was to find out at The National Running Show I had been shortlisted for ‘Best Personal Blog’. I’m shocked, there are so many amazing blogs out there written by ‘much sportier people’ than myself. Well done to everyone that made the Top 12!
The results are announced at The Running Awards in April – if you enjoy this blog I’d love it if you’d vote for me so I can get into the top 3. Thank you to everyone who has already voted to get me this far, votes are cumulative so I’d be very grateful if you would hit the vote button again 😍
To cast your vote click: HERE
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By voting, you’d really make my day!
Note to my 13-year-old self: In 20 something years time, you will spend your Sunday’s happily heading out for a ‘cross country’ run – and sometimes you will even pay for the privilege!
I’m actually at a night race in a forest this evening! A full review will be on the blog next week.