The online publication for women who love running

Let's Talk

Fitting training into a busy life

Instagram rolled out an ‘Ask me a question’ feature last week. I tried to answer as many as I could (minus the questions about my boobs) but with 67 questions I didn’t want to be that person who posts endless stories that people skip over. Plus, I was also running out of entertaining answers! A lot of …

Race reviews

Walkington 10K 2018

Flashback to around 20 years, it was the rise of the superclub when Friday nights were all about going out with friends and rolling home in the early hours of Saturday morning. These days parties have since been replaced with 10k races, Smirnoff ices (it was the ‘in’ drink back then) have been replaced with …

Let's Talk

For the love of it…

Social media, I have a love-hate relationship with it. It’s a great way of finding like-minded people, people to ask/share advice with, and people training for the same events as you. It can be a great source of information. I’ve met a lot of lovely people online that I would now class as friends. It …