Ever found yourself jogging around your driveway just to make your run a perfect 5 miles? Or maybe you’ve questioned life choices when you realise you’ve spent more on running shoes than you ever have on actual shoes? Congratulations—you’re officially a runner. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there, from bruised toenails to safety pins popping up in the most random places. These are the quirks that unite us as runners and make our community so… well, interesting! Keep reading for the funniest (and truest) signs that running has completely taken over your life.

You know you’re a runner when…

You Complain About Paying £10 for a Cinema Ticket…

…but will happily pay £20 for a 5K that lasts less than 30 minutes because the medal is nice.

Runners know the value of a good race medal. It’s not just about the event; it’s about collecting those shiny medals that remind you of your achievements. That £20 entry fee? Totally worth it when you cross the finish line with that bit of bling. And let’s be real – it’s much better value than a cinema ticket!

Your Wardrobe is Full of Running Gear and Old Race T-shirts

If you’re like me, you’ve probably got more running leggings than jeans, and every race t-shirt you’ve earned has a story behind it. You can’t just throw them away! Plus, they’re perfect for lounging around the house, right?

You Run Up and Down Your Drive Because Your Garmin Says 4.98 Miles

That’s not even a question – runners need to round up those miles. There’s something deeply unsatisfying about seeing “4.98 miles” on your app or Garmin. So, yes, we’re the ones doing laps around our drive or block to hit that perfect 5.00. Anyone else?

You’re Stuck in Traffic and Think ‘I Could Have Run There By Now’

Runners love efficiency, and there’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic. In your head, you’re calculating how long it would take to get there on foot. You’re not alone – we’ve all been there, watching cars crawl by and thinking about how much quicker our legs would be!

Your Sunday Alarm is Earlier Than Your Weekday Alarm

Sundays are for long runs, not lie-ins! You know you’re committed when you’re setting your alarm earlier on the weekend than during the work week. Whether you’re training for a race or just getting in some miles, Sunday runs are sacred.

You Have At Least One Bruised (Or Missing) Toenail

One of the less glamorous aspects of being a runner – the infamous bruised toenail. It’s almost like a badge of honor, though. You’ve pushed your body, hit the miles, and paid for it with one (or more) unhappy toes. Fun fact: many seasoned runners don’t even bother painting their toenails anymore.

You Separate Your Washing into Lights, Darks, and Running Gear

Running gear deserves its own special treatment – between the high-performance fabrics and the sometimes sweaty condition they’re in, you just can’t throw your running shorts in with your regular clothes. A separate pile for the good stuff ensures it stays fresh and functional for longer.

You See Other Runners Out and Get Jealous

There’s nothing worse than seeing someone else out for a run when you can’t join. Maybe you’re resting, maybe you’re injured, or maybe it’s just not your day – either way, you’re itching to be out there with them, pounding the pavement.

You Know the Exact Mileage of Your Local Area

Most people couldn’t tell you how far it is from their house to the park. But you? You know exactly how long every loop, route, and trail in your neighbourhood is. You’ve got your 5K, 10K, and long-run routes down to a science, and you love every inch of them.

You Start Finding Safety Pins Everywhere

Safety pins – the unspoken bestie of every runner. After a few races, they start popping up everywhere: in your car, your kitchen, your bathroom. Don’t throw them away, though; they’re always handy when you least expect it.